To drum up funds for treatment, research, trials, and mammograms through music-centric events that ROCK, to ultimately STICK IT to breast cancer.
On October 26, 2010, professional female drummer April Samuels was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer called triple negative breast cancer (ER-, PR-, HER2-). Immediately, April was motivated to "do something." In November of 2010, combining her will to fight breast cancer with her passion for drumming, she came up with the slogan "Breast Cancer Can Stick It!" The trademarked logo shown was designed at the same time and the drummer pictured was modeled after April. She began selling "Breast Cancer Can Stick It!" t-shirts with this logo from the back of her car, raising funds for breast cancer awareness organizations. This slogan and logo would became the cornerstone of our future nonprofit.
In October of 2011, the Breast Cancer Can Stick It! Team participated in their first breast cancer awareness walk.
In 2012, in addition to participating in its second breast cancer awareness walk, multiple "Breast Cancer Can Stick It!" fundraisers were held throughout the year. By this time, April was raising thousands in the fight against breast cancer. It was clear the next step was to establish a nonprofit.
In May of 2013, Breast Cancer Can Stick It! became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation, donating funds directly to facilities that provide breast cancer care.
On October 25, 2015, the first ever Breast Cancer Can Stick It! Drummathon was held, featuring multiple celebrity drummers and raising over $13,000. Drummathon has become the foundation's largest annual event. Since 2018, Drummathon alone has raised over $50,000 each year.
Since 2010, April's efforts have raised over $500,000 in the fight against breast cancer.
Learn more about our Founder and Executive Director, April Samuels.
We are 99% powered by volunteers. As of 2023, Breast Cancer Can Stick It! has a crew of over 300 volunteers, which includes our Board and multiple Committee members. Our organization is run by these unpaid, remote volunteers. The only paid position, our Volunteer Coordinator, is limited to 10 hours of paid work per week. With no official brick and mortar facility and one part-time staff member, our low overhead ensures we are able to support our programs below to the maximum extent possible.